Nicole Ryan

Nicole’s Irish and Breton origins have always been a strong influence in her work, which, despite her formal artistic training clearly reflects her Celtic roots. Nicole’s move to Brittany, land of water, myths and megaliths brought about a sudden and unexpected metamorphosis in her work. That which had been primarily figurative took on a far more abstract form. Nicole’s work displays her constant quest for what she has dubbed “Chromatic Resonance”, (a vibratory effect between juxtaposed colours). Emerging from deep within, her work is both resolutely fluid and feminine, a forceful explosion of vibrant colours. It is also the marriage of her grasp of ‘old master’ techniques, coupled with a natural curiosity for modern methods and materials. In 2011 Nicole was selected by the Breton Cultural Agency to become part of their ‘Collectif Arts de Bretagne’ , (the Breton Arts Collective).

Atelier : 111 Rue Park Traezh, 29250, Santec, FRANCE (sur RDV)
Tel atelier: 00 33 (0)2 98 29 41 25